We are so glad you stopped by to learn more about our unfortunate struggle with taboo subjects like pornography and drug addiction. We decided to make this blog in an effort to help others by reading about our road to recovery. Come navigate with us through these social stigmas while getting our lives back on track. With a loving family connection and our Higher Power Jesus Christ we have found anything is achievable. Join us as we work through our process of recovery over addictions and betrayal trauma while finding our freedoms. Let’s break through the anonymity of addiction for the addict and for the addict’s family.
Much love,
Nick & Christina
P.S. Please make sure to check out our Main Menu. There’s a lot more to our site than just this pretty page. We have several blog posts and other insightful pages including a gallery of inspirational quotes I make on photographs we have taken over the years. We also have an amazing Resource Page covering many items that have helped us in our recovery. From free website’s and helplines, to books, apps, and counseling options you will find a plethora of helpful resources on that page. We hope you find peace and encouragement here.