About Us

Our story

Hi there!!! Thanks so much for visiting Finding Our Freedoms. We are Nick and Christina and we are creating this blog as part of our recovery over porn and drug addictions that unfortunately found a place in our lives. We have been in a committed relationship just over ten years and have gone through our share of battles but also many more victories.

We are being led to do this in hopes of helping others in their recovery. There’s a whole lot of shame and embarrassment that comes with these topics. The stigma over it all is really just overwhelming. We must break through the anonymity of it. The truth is we know that if more people tell their stories maybe we can get past that stigma. We desire to create more conversations over these subjects in hopes of diminishing the taboo. Let’s start the conversations that aren’t in the forefront. Stepping away from the secrets will bring you into the light. Darkness thrives on the darkness!!!

Please reach out with your stories, questions, or insights. I, Christina, know how little I found while researching when I realized that pornography and drugs had started taking up space in our lives. Functioning addict information is not the norm in all the data out there to be found while googling. My addict wasn’t on the streets, lying ,stealing, or having an actual physical affair. But I can tell you betrayal trauma is very real whether it is physical infidelity or virtually. We would love to hear from you as we tackle this anonymous subject. Please share your stories. We will help get it out there and keep your name out of it, if you are wanting discretion. [email protected]

Thanks for dropping by and spending some time in our stories. We hope to create a community with this and help both sides recover. Subscribe below to follow us on this journey. #theycanrecover #wecanrecover #addicted

Christina & Nick

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